Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas XI semester 1


Subject              : English
Year/ semester  : XI / 1
Skill                    : Speaking
Text types          : Expression of Pain
Time allotment  : 1 x 15 minutes

Standard of Competence
3.  Expressing the meaning of transactional conversation text and formal and sustained interpersonal in daily life context.

Basic of Competence
3.2 Expressing the meaning of transactional conversation texts and formal and sustained interpersonal using various kind of spoken languages accurately, fluently and appropriately in daily life context  that include action and verbal expression of advising, warning, and granting request, and showing expression of relief, pain and pleasure.

Sub – basic of Competence
3.2 Expressing the meaning of transactional conversation texts and formal and sustained interpersonal using various kind of spoken languages accurately, fluently and appropriately in daily life context  that include action and verbal expression of pain

a.       Using the expression of pain
b.      Respon to the expression of pain
Learning Objetives
At the end of the lesson, the student’s are expected to be able to :  
a.       Use the expression of pain and give the respon to the expression in a simple conversation and show it in the front of the class

II. Learning Material
Book    : Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI – Science and Social Program by Joko Priyana, Triyani Retno Putri Saridewi, and Yuliyanti Rahayu.
Internet :

Material  I
Expression of Pain

..........is expression that showed when part of our body sick and hurt of something.
Example :
Expresson of pain
ü  It is very painfull !
ü  I can not stand it
ü  The pain hurts me very much
ü  Oh, my headache !
ü  That hurts
ü  I am not feeling well
ü  I feel terrible
ü  Are you okay?
ü  What happened?
ü  Let me help you
ü  You should take a medicine
ü  I am sorry i don’t accidentally
ü  You look so pale, are you sick?
ü  I suggest you to take a rest

In expression of pain people also use interjection :
·         Oh !
·         Ouch !
·         Aw !

III. Teaching Techniques
Role playing, pair work

IV. Teaching Activities
Teacher’s Activities
Student’s Activities
1.      Greeting
      “ good morning everybody, how are you today?”

2.      Checking the present list
      “ is everybody here already ?”

3.      Giving motivation by showing thing (medicine) and asking some question related to the topic “ expression of pain”.
Showing a pack of Medicine
a.       I have something in my hand? Can you guess what is it?
b.      Do you know the reason why i bring this medicine?
c.       This things has relation with our material today
d.      What is the use of medicine?
e.       How do we know that someone is in pain?
f.       What kind of expression?
g.      beside face expression, what other kind of expression?
h.      Good, so can you guess what we are going to learn today?

4.      Telling objectives
“So, today we are going to learn about expression of pain. At the end of the lesson you are able to use the expression of pain and give the respon to the expression orally in form of simple conversation and able to show it in the front of the class accurately, fluently and appropriately with 70 % achievement”.

“ Good morning, ma’am. I am fine, thank you”
“Yes, ma’am”

Answering the teacher question

“We don’t know ma’am”

the answer is vary

“ It is used by someone who sick and feel pain “
“ From the expression”
“ Face expression”
“ Verbal expression ”

“ Expression of pain in verbal”
5.      Explaining about expression of pain
Expression of pain is expression.........  

6.      Giving example
a.         The teacher give the students dialog consist of expression of pain and the response
b.         The teacher will read first and ask the students to repeat
c.         Then the teacher ask some students to read the dialog in pair

7.      Giving exercises
a.       The teacher gives the student worksheet which has different pitures
b.      Students who get worksheet with the same picture will be pair
c.       On the worksheet, the teacher gives the student a situation
d.      The students are asked to make a dialogue
e.       The teacher ask some students to perform their dialogue in front of the class
f.       The teacher prepare flash cards to choose the pairs who will perform their dialogue
g.      The teacher shuffle the cards, then ask the student to pick one, the students who has the same picture as the picture in the card they have to perform their dialog in front of the class.

Paying attention

Paying attention and doing activites

Doing exercises
8.      Reviewing the lesson by asking questions
“ What we have learnt today?”
“ in what situation we use the expression of pain?”
“ Can you give me the example?”
“ How you respon to it? “
“ In showing expression of pain we also use interjection, what are they? ”

9.      Carrying evaluation
a.       Still with the same partner, the teacher gives the students a worksheet
b.      The students are asked to make a dialogue, but now they use their own topic
c.       After that ask the students perform it in the front of the class.

10.  Closing the lesson
“Ok. This is the end of our lesson today. Thank you for coming. See you next week.”

“ Expression of pain, ma’am
‘When we are sick”
“ I am hurts, .......”
“ Are you okay?”
“ Oh! Ouch! Aw! “

Doing evaluation

“Thank you ma’am. See you”

V . Learning Media
a.       Worksheet
b.      Cartoon paper
c.       Pictures
d.      Flanel board
e.       Flash Cards

VI.  Assesment





Vocabulary use

Score range
Very good
81 - 90
71 - 80
66 - 70
60 - 65
Very bad
< 60


a.       Exercise
Make a dialogue using the expression of pain and the response. Choose one of the situation bellow.
        1. You see your friend walking in the slippery street, you try to warn him, but you are late and he felt down.
        2. Some boys are in the school yard playing football when a girl passes the field the ball hit her.

b. Evaluation
Make a simple dialog containing the expression of pain and the response. Work with your partner, make your own topic.

Banjarmasin, March 9th 2015
Acknowledged by
Headmaster                                                                                                    English Teacher

Asmi Rusmanayanti, S.Pd, M.Sc                                                                     Novitalia Desiari
NIP :                                                                                                              A1B212213

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